
Become a member

Register to become a NAMBA member today
🚵‍♀ Meet, ride and socialize with a community of fellow mountain bikers from across Japan and around the world. Group rides, BBQs, events - we've got all sorts of stuff in the works that you are going to want to be a part of!
🛠 Directly support building of new trails as well as the enhancement & protection of existing trails. Shape our trails and our future (with a shovel or with your voice) by joining volunteer dig days and participating in NAMBA's annual general meeting.
🧑‍💻 Contribute your talents! Are you an event planning prodigy? A graphic design guru? A marketing master? Put those skills to good use by joining one of NAMBA's committees!
😊 GET THAT WARM FUZZY FEELING! Joining NAMBA just feels… good.

Membership fees will be put toward growing and promoting mountain biking in the Niseko area. That means membership fees like yours go towards:

  • Trails!
  • More trails!
  • Did we mention more trails?!
  • Community events & group rides!
  • Plus potential discounts & more to come*

*As NAMBA grows, so will your perks & our roster of events. Exclusive discounts, skills clinics, demo days, ladies rides, beginner days, community barbecues and more!

Become an annual member



Ages: 19+

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Ages: 18 - 13

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Ages: 12 - 3

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Up to 6 family members

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