
Code of Conduct

Mountain bikers can help maintain trails and healthy mountain biking culture by following these guidelines.

Respect the environment:

  1. Do not ride on trails where mountain biking is prohibited and/or signage to this effect is present.
  2. Do not construct unauthorized trails.
  3. Riders are to stay on the trails.
  4. Always enter a trail area through an authorized entry point.
  5. Stay off muddy trails after rain.
  6. Carry out what you carry in – Leave No Trace.
  7. Keep your bike clean, and avoid spreading weeds.
  8. Don’t move rocks, logs or change the trail without permission.
  9. Control your bike and stay on the trail.
  10. Ride in a manner not to cause damage to the trail.
  11. Do not ride on trails closed for maintenance.

Respect Others:

  1. Respect other trail users.
  2. Always expect someone may be around the next corner.
  3. Ring a bell and/or announce your presence to other trail users.
  4. Slow down and give way when approaching others
  5. Always pass with care.
  6. Ride in small groups where possible.
  7. Control your speed.

Respect yourself:

  1. Always wear a helmet and protective gear.
  2. Ride within your ability.
  3. Expect foreseeable risks.
  4. Plan your ride and pack accordingly.

Be a steward. We are all representatives of the mountain bike community. If you meet other trail users who are not following this code, politely explain to them that only by keeping to its guidelines can we ensure that mountain bike riding remains an accepted recreational pursuit in forest areas and on public land.

Lastly, volunteer your time to helping with trail maintenance, running of events, participating in activities by being an active member of our community.